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YazarUygun, Selçuk
Veri Giriş Tarihi2016-05-04T10:12:20Z
Veri Onay Tarihi2016-05-04T10:12:20Z
Yayın Tarihi2011
Künye BilgisiUygun, Selçuk. (2011). Türkiye'de sözlü tarih araştırmaları ve öğretmen eğitiminde sözlü tarih yönteminin kullanımı. Akademik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 13, 50, s. 95-112.tr_TR
Handle Bağlantısı
ÖzetThis study seeks to describe the use of oral history method in teacher education as a field of oral history research in Turkey. Testimonies from the past and statements from eyewitnesses are essential for historical writing. These testimonies and statements may be written or unwritten documents or evidences. Although it is largely based on written documents, history is a scholastic field that may also rely on oral testimonies and other sources. The unwritten documents include oral testimonies. The oral eyewitness provides insights and valuable information coming from the living minds. The history that can be written based on the information from oral eyewitnesses is called oral history. Although it is perceived as a new form or version of history, oral history is a new method of research and learning. Use of oral history method in Turkey is not widespread when compared to its use in European countries and no particular attention is paid to its uniqueness. Oral history is a new method that seeks to do research on the history of near past and to teach during this pursuit. The history of the near past in the field of educational research can best be pursued and written by reliance on the narratives of the teachers who serve as the practitioners of education and teaching. There are significant lessons to be drawn from their past experiences. This descriptive research analyzes the oral historical researches in different fields in Turkey and further concludes that oral history appears to be an effective method that could be used in educational history and teacher education.tr_TR
BaşlıkTürkiye'de sözlü tarih araştırmaları ve öğretmen eğitiminde sözlü tarih yönteminin kullanımıtr_TR
Yayın TürüMakaletr_TR
Dergi AdıAkademik Araştırmalar Dergisitr_TR
Başlangıç Sayfası95tr_TR
Bitiş Sayfası112tr_TR

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