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YazarDere, İlker
Veri Giriş Tarihi2019-11-13T11:29:02Z
Veri Onay Tarihi2019-11-13T11:29:02Z
Yayın Tarihi2018
Künye BilgisiDere, İlker. "Why are we here?": theaching of phenomenon of migration with oral history. (2018). Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6, 12, s. 2780-2788.tr_TR
Handle Bağlantısı
ÖzetThe aim of this study was to determine whether oral history is an effective method for teaching the phenomenon of migration. In this study, the action research was used to discuss the phenomenon of migration in detail and to solve the problems that may be encountered during the teaching process. Oral history interviews, self-evaluation forms, and unstructured questionnaires were used for data collection. The obtained data were evaluated and interpreted by using content analysis and descriptive analysis methods. The results of the study show that the students learned economic, sociological, cultural and personal dimensions of migration in detail. In addition, students found that migrations are more likely to be caused by economic conditions and that their families were satisfied with their new lives after migration. In addition, migration study has made important contributions to the students to learn their family's migration history, to compare the past and present economic conditions, get to know the family better and understand the phenomenon of migration correctly.tr_TR
DOI (For Scopus)10.13189/ujer.2018.061212tr_TR
Anahtar KelimelerOral Historytr_TR
Anahtar KelimelerMigrationtr_TR
Anahtar KelimelerSocial Studiestr_TR
Anahtar KelimelerHistorical Thinking Skillstr_TR
Başlık"Why are we here?":theaching of phenomenon of migration with oral historytr_TR
Yayın TürüArticletr_TR
Dergi AdıUniversal Journal of Educational Researchtr_TR
Başlangıç Sayfası2780tr_TR
Bitiş Sayfası2788tr_TR

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