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YazarMurphy, Dean
Veri Giriş Tarihi2016-08-30T09:35:51Z
Veri Onay Tarihi2016-08-30T09:35:51Z
Yayın Tarihi2002
Künye BilgisiMurhpy, Dean. September 11:an oral history. Doubleday, 2002.tr_TR
Handle Bağlantısı
ÖzetAbout 3,000 people lost their lives in the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C., on September 11, 2001. Thousands more narrowly escaped, their survival a result of eerily prescient spur-of-the-moment decisions, acts of superhuman courage, the unfailing kindness of strangers, and, in some cases, fortuitous strokes of luck. September 11: An Oral History unites the voices of that day. It is at once a dramatic reminder of one of the most devastating events in history of the nation and a tribute to the spirit of cooperation and the outpourings of empathy that marked that day for so many people in the United States and abrad.tr_TR
Sayfa Sayısı272tr_TR
BaşlıkSeptember 11:an oral historytr_TR
Yayın TürüKitaptr_TR

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