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EditörLlewellyn, Kristina R.
EditörFreund, Alexander
EditörReilly, Nolan
Veri Giriş Tarihi2016-08-30T09:02:52Z
Veri Onay Tarihi2016-08-30T09:02:52Z
Yayın Tarihi2015
Künye BilgisiLlewellyn, Kristina R.. The Canadian oral history reader. Alexander Freund, Nolan Reilly. McGill-Queen's University, 2015tr_TR
Handle Bağlantısı
ÖzetDespite a long and rich tradition of oral history research, few are aware of the innovative and groundbreaking work of oral historians in Canada. For this first primer on the practices within the discipline, the editors of The Canadian Oral History Reader have gathered some of the best contributions from a diverse field. Essays survey and explore fundamental and often thorny aspects in oral history methodology, interpretation, preservation and presentation, and advocacy. In plain language, they explain how to conduct research with indigenous communities, navigate difficult relationships with informants, and negotiate issues of copyright, slander, and libel. The authors ask how people’s memories and stories can be used as historical evidence-and whether it is ethical to use them at all. Their detailed and compelling case studies draw readers into the thrills and predicaments of recording people’s most intimate experiences, and refashioning them in transcripts and academic analyses. They also consider how to best present and preserve this invaluable archive of Canadian memories. The Canadian Oral History Reader provides a rich resource for community and university researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, and independent scholars and documentarians, and serves as a springboard and reference point for global discussions about Canadian contributions to the international practice of oral history.tr_TR
Sayfa Sayısı408tr_TR
YayınlayanMcGill-Queen's University Presstr_TR
BaşlıkThe Canadian oral history readertr_TR
Yayın TürüKitaptr_TR

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