Din tarih ve kültürel özellikleriyle Batman ve çevresinde yaşayan Ezidiler
Bozkur, Netice. Din tarih ve kültürel özellikleriyle Batman ve çevresinde yaşayan Ezidiler. danışman Muammer Ulutürk. Batman: Batman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2014.
Mezopotamya'da ortaya çıkan ve bu coğrafyada hayat bulan pek çok din ve inançla bazı noktalarda benzerlik taşıyan Ezidilik, XII. yüzyılda kurucusu olduğu kabul edilen Şex Adi b. Müsafir'den sonra kurumsallaşan, farklı din ve inanç sistemlerinden etkilenmesi sebebiyle senkretik özellikler gösteren ve mensuplarını Kürtlerin oluşturduğu bir etno-din'dir. Ezidiler, inançlarını değişime karşı korumak için kendilerini çevre etkilerine kapatarak kırsal yerleşim yerlerinde yaşamayı tercih etmişlerdir. Öteden beri, Ezidi olmayanların Ezidilerle ilgili çoğunlukla önyargılı ve gerçeği yansıtmayan yayınlar yapmaları, Ezidilerin Avrupa'ya yoğun göçleri ve bunun etkilerinden biri olarak farklı kültürlerle etkileşim içerisinde bulunmaları günümüz Ezidilerinin kapalı toplum olma özelliklerini terk etmeye yöneltmiş görünmektedir. Ezidilerle ilgili araştırmaların sayısı giderek artmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasının farkı, lokal bir sahaya yönelmiş ve malzemelerinin önemli bir kısmını buradan elde etmiş olmasıdır. Bu doğrultuda Batman ve çevresindeki Ezidi varlığı hakkında sözlü tarih çalışması yapılmış, tezin alanı Batman ve Beşiri'deki Ezidilerle sınırlı tutulmuş, bununla birlikte Ezidilerle ilgi arşiv belgelerinden bazıları tasnif edilip ilgili olanları kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen kaynaklardan Batman ili çevresinde yaşayan Ezidilerin yaşayış biçimleri, inanç ve ibadetleri, Ezidilikteki önemli simalar ve sembollere yer verilerek ortaya çıkan bilgiler ışığında Batmandaki Ezidilerle ilgili dini, tarihi ve kültürel olgular ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Ezidism, which emerged from Mesopotamia and flourished in this region, and which has similarities with many religions and beliefs at an extent, is an ethno-religion, which was institutionalized after Şex Adi b. Musafir, who is considered to be its founder in XII century, and which displays syncretic properties due to being affected by different religions and belief systems, and whose members are composed of the Kurds. The Ezidis preferred to live in rural areas by keeping themselves closed, away from the influences of nearby vicinity so as to protect their belief against change; therefore, this case caused Ezidism to be perceived a "religion full of secrets". The fact that the non-Ezids have frequently broadcast biased publications that do not reflect reality, and that the Ezidis have migrated to Europe heavily, and as a result of this, that they interact to different cultures have made them to tend to give up their being a closed society. The number of studies related to Ezidis is increasing day by day. The difference of this thesis is that it has oriented to a local field, and has obtained an important part of its sources in here. In this respect, an oral historical study was conducted about the existence of Ezidis in Batman and in the surrounding area, and the scope of the thesis has been limited the Ezidis living in Batman and Beşiri; however, the archive documents related to Ezidis were classified and used. From the sources obtained, the life styles of Ezidis, their beliefs and worships and their prominent figures and symbols in Esidism were given a place; and in the light of emerging information, it was tried to put forward religious, historical and cultural phenomena about Ezidis in Batman.sm, which emerged from Mesopotamia and flourished in this region, and which has similarities with many religions and beliefs at an extent, is an ethno-religion, which was institutionalized after Şex Adi b. Musafir, who is considered to be its founder in XII century, and which displays syncretic properties due to being affected by different religions and belief systems, and whose members are composed of the Kurds. The Ezidis preferred to live in rural areas by keeping themselves closed, away from the influences of nearby vicinity so as to protect their belief against change; therefore, this case caused Ezidism to be perceived a "religion full of secrets". The fact that the non-Ezids have frequently broadcast biased publications that do not reflect reality, and that the Ezidis have migrated to Europe heavily, and as a result of this, that they interact to different cultures have made them to tend to give up their being a closed society. The number of studies related to Ezidis is increasing day by day. The difference of this thesis is that it has oriented to a local field, and has obtained an important part of its sources in here. In this respect, an oral historical study was conducted about the existence of Ezidis in Batman and in the surrounding area, and the scope of the thesis has been limited the Ezidis living in Batman and Beşiri; however, the archive documents related to Ezidis were classified and used. From the sources obtained, the life styles of Ezidis, their beliefs and worships and their prominent figures and symbols in Esidism were given a place; and in the light of emerging information, it was tried to put forward religious, historical and cultural phenomena about Ezidis in Batman.
- Tez [172]